Summer Evenings - 2

There are occasions when I wished I had my camera with me but didn’t, and had to be satisfied with my little cell phone camera. Continuing from the previous post, here are some more snaps of summer evenings I wished I could capture in higher resolution...
[4 Photos]

A Summer Evening...

Summer Evenings - The whale-like cloud seems to be swallowing the Sun
The whale-like cloud seems to be swallowing the Sun...

Summer Evenings - Another Summer Evening with the sun and clouds
Another Summer Evening...

Summer evenings - Another evening, another scene with the sun and clouds
Another evening, another scene...

Some more of, “I wish I had my camera with me” occasions. These are some more snaps from my cell phone camera. Summer evenings have brought out the artist in the Nature. You can see the previous summer evenings snaps here.

- Prachitra

Also See:
Summer Evenings -1


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