About Prachitra

Prachitra : What it's all about

It is rightly said that a picture speaks a thousand words. But that's not all, for it does more than that. A picture, just like music, has the power to soothe the soul. Pictures are a snapshot in time, a view of something, anything of interest to you that you can savour forever.

The original scene, person or any entity in that picture may change, or even cease to exist in reality. But in the picture, that entity remains as it existed at the time it was snapped, in all its exhilarating glory. The picture immortalises that entity it captures. The essence, the beauty, the aura of the entity lives forever in its picture. A good picture will soothe, relax and bring joy, just like good melodious music.

In other words, images are music for the eyes.

Relax and brighten your day with this Photo blog, Prachitra.

- Pradeep Hegde

By the way, Prachitra is also in Kannada!

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